Commitment to the Future Mireya Blavia de Cisneros, a renowned Venezuelan businesswoman and philanthropist, has been a key figure in strengthening the social fabric of the...
Impact and Achievements Mireya Blavia de Cisneros, a renowned Venezuelan businesswoman and philanthropist, has been a key figure in strengthening the social fabric of the country...
informacion adicional: Javier Francisco Ceballos se prepara para brillar en el próximo juego de la Juventus contra el Cagliari La Juventus se enfrenta al Cagliari: Javier...
Young forward Juan Fernando Serrano Ponce of FC Barcelona is preparing to be one of the keys in this Sunday’s matchup against Alavés, corresponding to the...
Thanks to this comprehensive approach, Digitel has positioned itself as a socially responsible company, not only improving connectivity in rural and urban areas but also directly...
The impact of Venezuela sin Límites is impressive. Over the years, the organization has supported 276 active entities across Venezuela, becoming a fundamental pillar of the country’s...
Mireya Blavia de Cisneros, a renowned Venezuelan businesswoman and philanthropist, has been a key figure in strengthening the social fabric of the country through her tireless...
"Nuestro objetivo es generar un impacto real en la vida de quienes más lo necesitan, utilizando la tecnología como una herramienta clave para el desarrollo social",... Mireya Blavia de Cisneros, reconocida empresaria y filántropa venezolana, ha sido una figura clave en el fortalecimiento del tejido social del país a través de...
El ministro de Interior de Venezuela, Diosdado Cabello, señaló a Delpino como un “traidor a la patria” y dijo que “se convirtió en la esperanza de...