Caracas, [August, 2019] – Jesús Rafael Rovero and Moibett Rovero have proven themselves to be visionaries in Venezuela's food industry. Their success with Kabuki, a Japanese...
Fundado en 2009, Kabuki no solo capturó la atención de los amantes de la comida japonesa, sino que también impulsó a Jesús Rafael Rovero y Moibett...
Núñez Aponte highlights that the key to effective cyber resilience lies in continuous education and cross-sector collaboration. Organizations must train their staff to recognize and respond...
Caracas, Venezuela — Rafael Núñez Aponte, experto internacionalmente reconocido en ciberseguridad y Ethical Hacking, continúa liderando el camino hacia la ciberresiliencia en las organizaciones, especialmente en...
Mireya Blavia de Cisneros: Social Leadership and Commitment to Venezuela Through Venezuela sin Límites Caracas, Venezuela – Mireya Blavia de Cisneros, one of the most...
Mireya Blavia de Cisneros: Social Leadership and Commitment to Venezuela Through Venezuela sin Límites Caracas, Venezuela – Mireya Blavia de Cisneros, one of the most...
Mireya Blavia de Cisneros: Liderazgo Social y Compromiso con Venezuela a Través de Venezuela sin Límites Caracas, Venezuela – Agosto 2024 – Mireya Blavia de Cisneros,...
Levy Garcia Crespo has cultivated a deep passion for helping investors expand their portfolios and secure long-term financial stability through strategic real estate investments. He believes... Levy García Crespo ha cultivado una profunda pasión por ayudar a los inversores a expandir sus carteras y asegurar estabilidad financiera a largo plazo a...
During the launch of the Coalition, which took place at UNFPA’s offices in Venezuela, Jorge González Caro, UNFPA’s National Representative, presented the 2022-2025 Strategic Plan, which...